Do you talk at or talk to people?

The key to success is how we talk to each other. If you communicate consciously and effectively, in particular, you will have an obvious advantage when doing business: you will achieve your goals more quickly. Professional communication allows us to prevent potential conflicts or sources of misunderstanding from escalating. Professional communication allows us to talk to each other as equals, whether as a team or with customers and business partners.

Our course content is based on modern case studies with real-life applications as well as exercises with an authentic approach. We will agree upon individual learning objectives before the course begins. This ensures that the course content meets the company's and the participants' needs and is relevant to their daily work. As a result, the course participants will also be able to fulfil their personal goals.

Certificate of attendance:

Participants will receive a LOQUI certificate of attendance.


Languages: Germans, English

We communicate both at and outside of work. Unfortunately, there are times where miscommunication occurs. This training course will teach you the basics of successful communication. It will introduce you to various communication models and allow you to try out different communication methods.


  • The basics of successful communication
  • How to prepare and begin conversations
  • How to provide and accept constructive feedback
  • Non-verbal communication
  • Communication during transformation processes
  • Actively steering communication situations
  • Interacting with culture(s)
  • Video analysis at your request (to analyse body language)


Languages: German, English

The key to successful meetings and workshops is a professional moderator.

Participants can structure and visualise every contribution; this allows them to come up with results together. This training course will allow you to develop your own style of professional moderation. In turn, you will learn how to deal with disruptions and conflicts effortlessly.


  • The basics of moderation
  • The phases/steps of moderation
  • The role of the moderator
  • Visualisation as part of moderation
  • How to ask questions as a moderator
  • Difficult situations: How to deal with disruptions and conflicts

Conflict management

Languages: German

Conflicts can arise in (almost) every company. If you understand why these conflicts arise, then you can make use of them. This is why our "Conflict management" training course addresses the steps which occur in a conflict and the various types of conflicts. In addition, participants will look at their own conflict behaviour to find out how they can resolve conflicts.


  • The phases of conflict development
  • The basics of communication
  • Team development and hierarchical dynamics
  • Escaltion vs. De-escalation
  • Reconciliation culture and rituals
  • The rules of successful teamwork

Rhetorik & Präsentation

Public speaking & Presentations

Languages: German

Modern public speaking and presentation techniques will allow you to present your opinion convincingly and to convey your thoughts effectively. These skills are very important both at work and in a private context.


  • Conscious use of language
  • Targeted training for your public speaking skills
  • Practical exercises with speeches and presentations
  • Vocal training